Increasing Water Productivity, Nutrient Use Efficiency, and Soil Health in Rainfed Agricultural Systems of Semi-Arid Southern Great Plains
To sustainably increase the productivity of rainfed agricultural systems in the Southern Great Plains by:
Increasing precipitation use efficiency
Increasing N use efficiency
Reducing yield losses due to environmental stresses and weed pressure
Restoring and enhancing soil health
We are interested in studying the natural systems which shape and guide the processes of the natural world. Our long-term goal is to identify and characterize the scientific mechanisms specific to our principal areas of research.
Develop and extend new information and technologies that enhance long-term strategic management and in-season tactical management of Southern Great Plains cropping systems
Create new opportunities that educate and equip producers and students to utilize these best management practices
Read on to find out more about these projects

Diversified Crop Rotations
We have developed a powerful tool for use in the identification and characterization of the processes in our model system. A major advantage of this development is its improved sensitivity, which allows it to detect subtle dynamic property changes in response to our experimentation.

Improved Soil Health
We still have only a very limited understanding of most aspects about our planet. Answering questions about this is essential for understanding the mechanistic role it plays on other scientific processes, and for developing tools to further explore this research avenue with more sensitive measurements and improved data collection.

Increased Water and Nitrogen Use Efficiency
In an effort to gain a better understanding of the world around us, we have recently begun to use a new technique to investigate the organization and functionality of the diverse parts of our experimental model. We are currently looking to expand this work by collaborating with other labs who have the facilities and prior experience to investigate this project further.
Events & Media
Dr. J's Podcast
August 31, 2020
This podcast features two specialist from Oklahoma State University; Dr. Alex Rocateli (alex.rocateli@okstate.edu) and Dr. Jason Warren (jason.warren@okstate.edu), faculty members in the Plant & Soil Sciences Department. Topics: interseeding small grains into bermudagrass pastures, discussion on water usage, and overall productive capacity of pasture ground in this management system.
Virtual Forage Field Day
August 18, 2020
Participants joined us online to learn about summer forage management practices. This live webinar was streamed from the Agronomic Research Station in Stillwater, Oklahoma and Cimarron Valley Research Station in Perkins, Oklahoma.
Rainfed Ag and Rural Prosperity
December 11, 2019
Host Ron Hays talks with Dr. Tyson Ochsner, Dr. Brian Arnall and Dr. Beatrix Haggard about this multi million dollar research effort that focuses on improving southern plains agriculture in rainfed farm situations.
Soil Health Meets Global Food Challenges
December 9, 2019
Dr. Chuck Rice shares his thoughts on many facets of the complex agriculture system, new technologies, water policies and soil health.